Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Benefit Dinner for Homeless LGBTQ Youth on Friday April 23

Kimy from Lost in the Crowd in midtown Manhatten. Photo by Susi Graf.

Join the Williams Queer Student Union and its allies for a benefit dinner on Friday, April 23rd at 5:30pm for MCCNY Homeless Youth Services: Sylvia's Place, with food donated by Jae’s Spice in Pittsfield. http://eatatjaes.com/

Sylvia's Place is a homeless shelter for LGBTQ youth in New York City. The shelter is a charity of the Metropolitan Community Church of New York. See these links for more information on Sylvia's Place, as well as some statistics on homeless youth in NYC:


Tickets for the dinner will be $10 each, and all proceeds from ticket sales will go to MCCNY Homeless Youth Services; Sylvia's Place. The QSU will be tabling throughout Queer Pride Days in Paresky to sell tickets in advance, so be sure to get them before they sell out- we can only seat 150 people at this dinner!

Clothing Drive, too.

In addition to this benefit dinner, we will be holding a clothing drive with Williams Christian Fellowship. Clothing will go to residents at MCCNY Homeless Youth Services; Sylvia's Place. We will be collecting clothes in the donation bins in the back of Paresky throughout Queer Pride Days. Any and all donations are welcome, particularly age-appropriate clothes for the residents at the shelter. We will be driving down to New York City on Saturday, April 24th to deliver the clothes and hang out with the residents at the shelter- email jmw1@williams.edu if you're interested in this, or if you have any questions!

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