Monday, November 16, 2009

Berkshire Stonewall's Thanksgiving Potluck Sunday

"For a second I thought they cooked the NBC peacock!"

Many of us have two families, and as a result, two Thanksgivings. One of course is reserved for family and the other for our friends. For many of us that means our LGBT friends.

One of the great get togethers is sponsored by the Berkshire Stonewall Community Coalition which takes place this Sunday, November 22, 2009 from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at St. Stephen's Parish Hall in Pittsfield, MA. (Use the side door and park in the bank parking lot nearby.)

But even if it is last minute, please don't forget to make reservations for the Potluck. They provide the turkey; you provide the sides. BUT they need to know how many people to expect so we know how many turkeys to order.

"Lesbian chefs can be creative, too."

Please call coordinator Karla Kavanaugh 518-392-4905 so we can set enough places and coordinate what people are bringing. Leave a message if you get the machine.

"Um, boys, you can't all sit at the children's table...."

It's going to be a nice get together. This event is open to all; friends, family, allies . . . Bring your family and enjoy a holiday affair with the larger family in the Gay Berkshires!

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