Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The March in Washington - A Report

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The cast of Hair closed the show down for one night in order to be able to join the October 11 March for Equality in Washington

While most of us in the Berkshires were taking part in the Out in Berkshires event Columbus Day weekend, our LGBT brothers and sisters were busy conducting a March of Washington for Equality. One of the contingents that I might have normally joined is the Broadway Impact group. Here's an update from them on how it went, and what is next.

Hello everyone!

We hope all of you who were able to get there had an amazing and inspiring time in D.C. We certainly did! It was an incredible feeling to stand shoulder to shoulder with so many of you while we marched for equality. Thanks to all of our bus sponsors there were over 1,400 people behind the Broadway Impact banner. A truly incredible sight! We hope you all got to soak up the beautiful day and noticed that there was a rainbow above us while we marched!

We have had some exciting news that the New York State Senate could finally be bringing the Marriage Equality Bill up for a vote as early as next week. The Governor has called the Senate back to work to deal with some crucial issues, and many believe the marriage bill could be included. There has been a lot of pressure on the Senate to bring this bill to the floor and this is the last chance for voting to happen before the end of the year. We hope the marriage bill will finally get its time to see the light!

We ALL need to start calling and emailing our Senators immediately. We know you all have called before, but this is the final push that could make the difference.

Please visit our website www.broadwayimpact.com and follow the simple directions on how to locate your Senator’s information and what to say when you call and write. It’s super easy and it truly is what will get this bill passed. Tell your friends and family to do the same and help spread the word. Your voice makes a difference!

Thanks so much for being with us on this journey!

-Broadway Impact

Jenny, Rory and Gavin

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