Friday, May 22, 2009

Will "Glee" Attract the GLBTQ Audience?

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It is always fascinating to see what programming attracts us to watch. The new series titled Glee on Fox seems to have done just that. My sense is that a show about our high school years, one that makes winners out of losers, strikes a chord with most of us. After all, high school is a lot like the bar scene, one in which only a select few achieve high popularity and real success.




The creators of Glee know what they are doing. Here's how they describe its creation: "From Ryan Murphy, the creator of "Nip/Tuck" and "Popular," comes Glee, a one-hour musical comedy (um, guys that is more like 43 minutes, with 17 minutes of commercials!) that follows an optimistic high school teacher as he tries to transform the Glee Club and inspire a group of ragtag performers to make it to the biggest competition of all: Nationals. Will Schuester, a young optimistic teacher, has offered to take on the Herculean task of restoring McKinley's Glee Club to its former glory. Everyone around him thinks he's nuts. He's out to prove them all wrong." Bla bla bla.




You can see the pilot episode over at the Fox website and right now it is at the top of their offerings. I can hardly wait for Fall to see if the series holds our interest week after week. The kids are cute and lovable, the music is upbeat and the characters are all too familiar. Who knows, it might be a winner.




Oh, and one more thing. It is on one of the Fox channels, and if you are like me, you may block them from your cable or satellite selections along with the homophobic religious broadcasters in order not to be dissed constantly. I have to manually program this back in to see it.

Yeah, I am touchy about that stuff.

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