Monday, March 30, 2009

"Sea of Birds" is a Feast for the Senses from Sebastienne Mundheim

Sea of Birds is a multi-media show.

You have to be pretty adventurous and open to new experiences to venture up to Mass MoCA to see their art. When it comes to their performing arts offerings, most of them are not household names. So we have to rely on their taste, advance stories and gut instinct to decide which might be worth the time, trip and ticket expense.

It only took the You Tube video that I have posted below to convince me that Sea of Birds might be a winner. It will be presented this Saturday, April 4 at 4 and 8 PM in Mass MoCA's Hunter Theater. The video clip is sufficiently detailed so that we can make an informed decision. (You can opt to watch it in HD if you have a high speed connection.) You may not know much about Sebastienne Mundheim and her new performance piece, Sea of Birds, but it certainly looks very promising.

There is also a splendid preview piece in the Valley Advocate, so I have little doubt that a lot of our neighbors will be heading over from Northampton to see this rising star's work. The performance piece has choreography by Philadelphia based Kate Watson-Wallace, who collaborated with the troupe. The music was composed by James Sugg, and the combined effect of all this artistry, along with that provided by Mike Riggs' lighting design, is intensely dream-like. Music, dance, sculpture, puppetry and lighting all combine into an evening that will be filled with memorable and indelible images.

So turn off that cellphone, stop multitasking and watch something that requires your full attention and concentration. It's this weekend's recommendation. Ticket information is available on the Mass Moca website.

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