Friday, March 27, 2009

The Queer Quiznos Ad

For those who long for a tasty torpedo, watch this soft-porn dialog commercial as it says..."Put it in me, Scott..."

Now we have something to get excited about beyond Mr. Clean and the Brawny man.

As David Griner wrote on his blog AdFreak:

Say what you will about the disturbing implications of this Quiznos ad from Nitro, but you'd be hard-pressed to forget the point: that Quiznos has foot-long meat tubes just waiting to be jammed in the hotbox for you. Oh, and they're $4. The talent deserves credit for squeezing a lot of subtle acting into a 30-second space. If you don't believe me, check out the guy's reaction when the oven says, "Put it in me, Scott." If those aren't the eyebrows of a man being propositioned by a horny appliance, I don't know what are. UPDATE: A slightly sanitized, less sexualized version of the ad is airing in earlier timeslots.

Check out the comments following Griner's item. The only detail missing is the name of the actor. He's brilliant.

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