Saturday, March 21, 2009

OMG - It's Gay Ballroom Dancing in the Berkshires!

Tonight the subject of same sex dancing is going to be fully explored at the Rhythms Dance Center, 55 Pittsfield Road, Lenox, MA. Two fun dance styles will be the focus of films, readings, and some hands on "Out Dancing" at the Tango-Pulse Milonga March "Hair" Event. The fun starts at 8:00 and runs until just after midnight. Admission is only $10.00. Info, call 413-637-2727.
The Dream: Ballroom Dancing Competitors Richard Lamberty, left, and Stuart Nichols. Photo Eric Sutton.

When same sex couples dance, there are a couple of general rules which help. First, the taller person leads. Another approach is that you should consider the lead dancer the frame, and their partner the pretty picture you want to show off. Seems pretty simple to me. And sounds like fun. This is not the square box dance I learned in that horrid high school gym class.

The two short films to be shown are just marvelous and here are very brief samples from both of them. The films themselves are relatively short. Out Ballroom is 23 minutes, and shows couples preparing to dance their ways into the 2006 Gay Games.

Tango Con-Fusion

Tango Con Fusion follows five indominatable women who have turned the male dominated tango form into a furious adagio for two women, too. This 22 minute film opens a world of new possibilities for women to express themselves.

Out Ballroom Clip

Want to know more? Check out this wonderful article in the British Currents.

Also slated is a short reading by Violet and Durant. For more information on this event you can visit the Berkshire Stonewall Community Coalition website which keeps up to date on activities for the Berkshires.
Strictly Ballroom is an Australian film. Here we see participants in the Gay Games ballroom dancing event at Sydney (Australia) Town Hall. Mainstream ballroom dancing does not allow same-sex partners. Photo: Steven Siewert

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